

Suite for bigband, strings, choir and soloists
Lyrics by Gustav Januš (1999)
Music by Hans Lassnig-Walder (2022)

And “Tranquilo” is a quiet closer for the date, but not before the quiet fire of Hans Lassnig’s trumpet burns through the bolero.“

Raul da Gama/ Latin Jazz Network,, Review on „Descarumbiando“, 2009

„(…) Beeindruckend: die virtuosen solistischen Leistungen von Trompeter Johann Lassnig…“

Magazin „Gitarre & Bass“ über „Symbiotic Elephants“, November 2005

„(…) Neben Primus Sitter g, der unter anderem mit Alex Deutsch, Peter Madsen und George Garzone zusammenarbeitete, spielt einer der besten “Trompeten-Exporte” Kärntens Hans Lassnig. Er studierte bereits an der renommierten “New School” in New York bei Charles Tolliver und Cecil Bridgewater. …“

Jazzland Post über „Reinhold Schmölzer Quartett feat. Primus Sitter“ im Jazzland Wien, Mai 2006

„(…) Wieselflink auf der Trompete und samtweich auf dem Flügelhorn präsentierte sich Johann Lassnig. …“

Emanuel Helg/Thurgauer Zeitung über „Förderpreisband generations 2004“, 30. August 2005

„Die kelagBIGband – eine großartige Formation mit einem einzigartigen „musical director“: Hans Lassnig!“

Dieter Themel (Bluesbreakers), 7. September 2018

“To Johann. All the best – you have great jazzability.”

Jerome Callet, NYC, 14. Februar 2006

„(…) Hans Lassnig (mit seinem unverwechselbar schönen Trompeten- und Flügelhornsound) (…) präsentierte(n) Jazz vom Feinsten.”

Oberkärntner Nachrichten, 22. August 2008

“Das Swinging-Christmas-Konzert der Kelag Big Band überrascht, obwohl es bereits ein Dutzend Mal im Congress Center präsentiert wurde. Es ist die Auswahl der Künstler, und dafür haben Big Band Leiter Hans Lassnig und Pianist Michael Wandaller das richtige Gefühl und erstklassige Kontakte. (…)

Kleine Zeitung, 7. Dezember 2013

„(…) Die Truppe begeisterte neben der perfekten Beherrschung des jeweiligen Instruments vor allem durch das subtile aufeinander Hören und Eingehen, das immer wieder neue Wendungen in den Stücken und stets spannungsgeladene Atmosphäre entstehen ließ.“

Oberkärntner Nachrichten über „hans-lassnig-trumpet & violin-quintet“, 28. Mai 2004

One Minute Bits


by Glockenbach feat. ClockClock, arr. by Hans Lassnig-Walder

for saxophone quartet

woodwinds/video editing: Alexandra Lassnig-Walder // sunnyroom 42 productions, 2022

Black Top Stomp

music by Hans Lassnig-Walder

for flute, clarinet, soprano sax, 2 alto saxes, tenor sax, bari sax, opt. drums

woodwinds/video editing: Alexandra Lassnig-Walder // sunnyroom 42 productions, 2020

Voodoo Hop

music by Hans Lassnig-Walder

for alto recorder, piccolo flute, soprano sax, alto sax, 2 tenor saxes, bari sax, voice

woodwinds/video editing: Alexandra Lassnig-Walder // sunnyroom 42 productions, 2021

Trumpet Videos


(by Richie Beirach, arr. by Jim McNeely)

  • Carinthian Lakeside Jazz Orchestra conducted by Achim Kück

  • Stadttheater Klagenfurt, October 18, 2009

  • Flügelhorn-Solo: Hans Lassnig-Walder

Cook & Chill

(by Jörg Seidel)

  • Carinthian Lakeside Jazz Orchestra conducted by Achim Kück

  • Stadttheater Klagenfurt, October 18, 2009

  • Flügelhorn-Solo: Hans Lassnig-Walder

Brigas Nunca Mais

(by A.C. Jobim)

  • Hans Lassnig-Walder (flh), Peter Polzer (piano), Hans Rainer (b), Markus Wendlinger (dr)

  • Miramar, Opatija 2008

Biography Hans Lassnig-Walder

Hans Lassnig-Walder’s education was anything but straightforward:

During his school years, he wrote his first compositions and songs and learnt the trumpet at the Spittal/Drau music school with FL Günther Unterkofler. After his A-levels, he had the opportunity to familiarise himself with the music profession as a military musician. He then began studying business administration at the University of Graz and a little later, at the same time, studied jazz trumpet with Lee Harper at the Klagenfurt Conservatory.

From this point onwards, he also worked as a freelance musician. After completing the first part of his business studies in Graz, he graduated in instrumental and vocal pedagogy at the Carinthian State Conservatory and began the second part of his business studies at the Alpen-Adria University in Klagenfurt. During his stay at the Summer Jazz Workshop in Bassano (Italy) in 2001 with trumpeter Claudio Roditi, he was awarded a scholarship and spent the following two years studying trumpet at the New School in New York City as part of the Jazz & Contemporary Music Programme.

He then completed his jazz diploma at the Klagenfurt Conservatory in 2003 and immediately went on to study IGP II at the University of Music in Graz, which he completed in just one year. In 2007, he completed a degree in business administration at the Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt.

In 2011, Hans Lassnig-Walder put down the trumpet and began studying Jazz Composition & Arrangement with Ed Partyka and Michael Abene at the University of Music and Performing Arts Graz (graduated in 2017).

His artistic energy is currently focussed on his work as a conductor, arranger and composer for large jazz ensembles. His big band is the kelagBIGband, whose infrastructure allows him to work regularly with international and regional soloists. In collaboration with other large ensembles (e.g. Carinthian Provincial Youth Choir, EURO Symphony SFK, girardi strings), his focus as a composer and arranger is on developing a sound that reflects the landscape, languages and mentalities of the Alps-Adriatic region.

Since 2004, Hans Lassnig-Walder has also worked as a music teacher at the BRG Spittal/Drau. There and at the BORG Spittal he also directs the student ensembles. In this role, he has already been able to accompany and support many young people in deciding to become musicians.

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